Send your message to Secretary Zinke today!

Interior Secretary Zinke is accepting public comments as he reviews the protected status of the Carrizo Plain and more than two dozen other national monuments throughout the West.

Use the sample letter below to urge Secretary Zinke to keep the Carrizo Plain National Monument. All letters are important, but personalized ones will carry the most weight and we've made it easy for you to share your own thoughts and concerns -- just edit the letter below and click "SUBMIT."

Need some ideas? Share your thoughts on why you think the Carrizo Plain benefits our local communities (open space, tourism dollars, outdoor recreation, health and fitness, wildlife, kids' education, historic and scientific study). State any concerns you might have with the weakening of the area's protected monument status, making it more vulnerable to development. If you have visited the Carrizo Plain, please note that in your letter and describe why the area is special to you.

All it takes is one or two minutes to make a difference. By writing a letter today, you can ensure that the Carrizo Plain National Monument remains protected forever.